Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On the Road Again

So, the intrepid adventurer has set off upon a quest. A quest for vision, enlightenment, and probably cheesy fries.

A little background. Kristen is currently traveling the American West using a magic 8-ball as her guide. But, through the miracles of modern technology, her blog will go on. Edited and posted by a guy who is deployed. Did anyone see this coming? I am pretty sure this was not covered in the pre-deployment briefings.

Like all great adventures it got underway at the crack of daw…errr noon. The weather was bad. Now, I am not saying that Christopher Columbus didn’t keep a sharp weather-eye to the horizon, before setting sail to the new world. But, Castle Rock by lunch is more of a shopping trip than an adventure. I am just saying...

The first ‘real’ stop on, oddly enough, has turned out to be the Bonneville Salt flats. What were the odds? Kristen takes off on a road trip and finds a place to drive even faster, in the middle of nowhere.

All accounts are that the Mexican food was good, good and hot! This may be a contributing factor to sppeds attained on the Salt Flats.

There is a story about a speeding ticket coming, but we are having to run it past our lawyers before we post it. Take care everyone.

Editor in Chief - Jon


  1. Jon - thanks for keeping us posted! And we miss you and hope you are surviving over there! ((hugs))
    Be sure to tell K that she's missing one heckuva solstice celebration being out on her adventure!

  2. love it! and love the guest blogger, too :)
